
Woman. Wife. Mom.

I am all three. And if you are anything like me, it is so easy to get caught up in just being defined as one of them. It changes day to day but rarely can I identify with all three. It is my passion and my mission to relate with other moms about this social issue. Here on the site you will learn about myself, my family, my past, my struggles and my victories.

I am currently a stay at home mom. Previously I was a cosmetology instructor and a relator. I never expected to be a stay at home mom. Ever.

Our 7 year old son Greyson was born and shortly after we realized child care was not a good fir for him. He was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder at a young age. For you mamas who know about this disorder, bless your heart. Its hard. I will be blogging about the disorder and different techniques and products that we have learned along the way to help make life easier

Fast forward a few years and my husband and I decided to expand our family. I will make a post about our fertility journey resulting in the most precious little girl, Katalyna. The journey was exhausting, heart breaking, and worth it.

We are now a complete family with 3 doodles and navigating as we go. Come along the journey with us!